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Christian Education for Teens & Pre-teens

What is Confirmation?

Confirmation is an educational/faith nurturing ministry culminating in the public affirmation of one’s baptism.  During the two and one half years of the confirmation program, participants will prepare themselves to publicly profess their faith and to state their intention to:

  • Continue the covenant God made in Holy baptism.
  • Live among God’s faithful people.
  • Hear God’s word and share in the Lord’s Supper.
  • To proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed.
  • To serve all people following the example of our Lord Jesus.

Evangelical provides the youth of our congregation with two and a half years of study and instruction designed to prepare them for confirmation.  The curriculum provides for extensive review of the Scripture, the Small Catechism, and delves into catholic church history as well as Martin Luther’s life. 

Seventh through Ninth Grade


The Confirmation classes share a Scripture-rich two-and-one-half years curriculum with an emphasis on Luther’s Small Catechism.

Also integrated into the program is Youth Alpha, a dynamic faith-building curriculum which aligns faith with every day life with an emphasis on putting one’s faith into action and making it relevant for today’s world.

The curriculum focuses on the abiding love and care with which God 

showers His people from creation to salvation, offering students the relevance of the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed and the Ten Commandments in their lives today.  The Law and Gospel, in the light of Christ’s life, death and resurrection, compels students to seek meaning for their faith journey.  Each week another portion of the Catechism is held up as both source of inspiration and guide to Christian living.

Throughout the weeks, students familiarize themselves with the history of the catholic church and Luther and his life.   In studying the history of the Christian church, students learn about and appreciate God’s abundant grace to His people. The study focuses on encouraging students to recognize God’s love and grace to His church from Pentecost to the present day

Confirmation Requirements 


The Expectations of Confirmation are:

  • Faithful attendance at every Confirmation class (must have written excuse from parent if absent).
  • Faithful attendance at worship.
  •  Sunday sermon notes to be turned in on Sunday following worship.  Minimum 12 notes per year.  Pick up  and drop off notes at the back of the sanctuary.
  •  Acolyte during the year.   Training will be provided.  If you cannot attend on the Sunday for which you are scheduled, please contact another classmate to trade Sundays with you. (Acolytes assist the pastor during worship services)
  • Attendance at Advent Services.
  • Attendance at Holy Week Services and attendance at Lenten Services.
  • Participate in confirmation camp in the summer.
  • Participate in scheduled  confirmation service projects. .
  • Attend any special programs with speakers addressing real life issues.

Youth are expected to:

  • Commit to growing in your faith.
  • Participate with a positive attitude.
  • Be respectful of others.
  • Ask difficult life questions.
  • Enjoy the experience.
  • Make life-long friends.
  • Be open to God.
  • Love your mentors as Christ loves you.
  • Enjoy, learn, and have fun.

Parents are expected to:

  • Support their child in their faith journey and confirmation experience.
  • Discuss weekly materials with their child.
  • Faithfully bring their child to the services of God’s house.
  • Teach your child the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed and the Ten Commandments.
  • Provide the Holy Scriptures and instruction in the Christian faith.
  • Pray for your child through the confirmation process.




    Link here for a PDF of Luther’s Small Catechism


Church Attendance – While it is expected that our confirmation students attend church each week, they are required to fill out and turn in at least 2 worship service summary slips each month. There is a container in the Narthex where they can place the summary slips, or they can turn them in to Pastor. 

Class Attendance – The students are required to attend Confirmation classes each week. The classes will be held on Saturdays during the regular school year, beginning in September the week after Rally Day, through the second week in June. If they miss a class, the student should contact Pastor for any make up assignments.

Tests – There are various tests throughout the year and at least 2 major tests each year that the students must pass in order to be confirmed.

Service Projects – There are many service project opportunities, which are announced throughout the year, such as serving at the Rally Day and Easter Breakfasts, Christmas tree decorating, helping with Vacation Bible School, etc. The students are required to participate in 5 service projects each year. They will receive 1 credit for being an Acolyte.

Field Trips – There will be 1 or 2 field trips/weekend retreats each year that the students are required to attend.  These trips will be announced at the orientation meeting in September, and a reminder will be sent to the students prior to the field trip.

Retreat – Each year an all day retreat is held at Evangelical for the confirmation students.  The retreat is a requirement that each student must attend.  The date of the retreat will be announced at the Sept. orientation class, with a reminder sent out in January. 

Confirmation Summer Camp – Each summer Confirmation Camp is held at a local campground for three or five days.  The camp is a requirement that each student must attend.  Dates for each year’s camp will be announced. 

All of the above requirements must be met in order for the students to be confirmed at the end of the two year program.